All You Need to Know About Dry Eye & Glaucoma

Dry eye and glaucoma are two different eye issues, which can occur together. Patients suffering from glaucoma have a higher chance of experiencing dry eye trouble. Both these are chronic conditions and treating them at the same time is challenging. But the Chesapeake Eye Surgery Center can effectively manage and cure this problem. Read this post to know what makes these conditions chronic and the possible treatments for the same. What is Glaucoma? Glaucoma is a series of conditions, which damage the nerves in the eyes. It leads to vision loss and blindness if left untreated. Usually, this ailment occurs with the age but can happen to anyone. You may experience Glaucoma in one eye or both eyes. It occurs when the pressure inside the eyes increases, but can happen otherwise as well. Glaucoma Symptoms The symptoms of Glaucoma are not noticeable at an early stage. When this issue reaches a complex level, the symptoms of glaucoma may develop, such as: · Eye pain · ...